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Overture to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Overture to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Certainly there was a big blast before the main blast.

When the earth was shaken by the powerful blast during the rocket rapid ascension, carrying the first manned mission to Mars, the blast waves were felt by the billions of people gathering around the world watching the historical event.

Somehow, during some seconds the entire human kind were connected, as a whole, becoming one entity, becoming part of the Ares mission.

Sure, humans were able to defeat Gravity before, but this time there was a special flavor in the air, they were full aware that for the first time ever, the space sailors will be sailing without seeing the cost line, in their journey to the new world.

Moreover, they knew Ares explorers were carrying the most valuable asset to the red planet, the human soul.

Paradoxically, sending the human soul to the red planet, previously involved an AI's symphony.

Quite before the main blast, there was another not lest impressive blast, a silent one.

The ignition of a powerful algorithm , that spread a sophisticated machine-to-machine communications system, checking the millions of sensors, processors and chips involved in the mission, millions of lines of code running rapidly , double checking the whole system.

Looking back , after joining the dots, they knew they took the right decision at the right time, perhaps AI was an extension of the human conscience ?,therefore conceived precisely to expand the human soul to the entire solar system.

Using AI to expand the human civilization boundaries to other worlds, increasing dramatically the horizon of the civilization, creating immense amount of health and wealth on their way, proved right.

Suddenly, their lovely host blue planet, started to shine again as a result.


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