Gedankenexperiment: Einstein’s favorite pastime.
Paradoxically, we deployed our best and toughest land cruisers to other planets for obvious reasons. Remote and hostile planets without water, without roads and under severe weather conditions. Even so they performed and delivered very well.
But let´s perform a famous Einstein pastime: Die Gedankenexperiment, the thought experiment.
Gedankenexperiment 1: Let´s imagine we are sending an explorer to a planet very similar to earth, most precisely let´s imagine we are sending our explorer to a hypothetic forest located in an exoplanet. In a forest, wheels are not useful.
Gedankenexperiment 2: Let´s imagine we never invented nor the roads neither the wheel.
Gedankenexperiment 3: Let´s imagine we mimic the quadruped’s way of locomotion for the human transportation system.
Gedankenexperiment 4: Let´s imagine we are colonizing an exoplanet very similar to earth, starting from scratch in that new planet but with the XXI century technology available, would we build roads or could we take a different approach? What kind of devices would we devise?
Gedankenexperiment 5: Let´s suppose we don´t want to damage the natural resources founded in the new planet, what type of cities and transportation system would we invent?
Let´s propose together other Gedankenexperiment !