The dawn of the Teslanauts
Like usually happens to the first class artist or the first class architects, the good reputation was good enough to make history on the move. The goodwill and the high reputation of his latest piece of art were enough to produce one of the most fascinating acts in the modern history of our civilization. The architects just announced the release of their new model artwork without showing any preliminar sketch, but they were standing up over the shoulder of a giant and the latest succesfull act was still speaking by it self, therefore the spectators response was awesome and the people pre-ordered massively their future masterpiece.
For the first time in the history of the automobile industry, the clients pre-ordered their future electric vehicle ( a mass production vehicle) without watching the preliminar sketch and even more stunning, they were full aware of the premise to be on the waiting list for a long period of time before get their purchased master piece!
That was the kind of problem that every CEO wants to face, having a highly reputed product which is already sold out for years to come and focus in deliver his product according with the clients and investors expectations.
But, wait a minute, the automobile industry is a game invented by Ford, but those who dominate the field speaks german, japanese and detroit english and as we speak , the chinese automakers are producing more atuomobiles than the detroit clan together.
So, we are in the consulting business, which is a pragmatic way to say we are in the knowledge business, hence we love to solve puzzles.
We decided to commisioned our AI division Fractal Coding to handle the fascinating puzzle and they delivered.
Firs of all, Fractal Coding created a new division called Tesla Reloaded with the specific purpose to design a video game in order to help Tesla Inc to design and build one million M3 vehicles in one year.
Fractal coding approach was clever, since the game niche target was the Tesla clients which already pre-ordered the M3 units. Morover, the Tesla clients ( and now Tesla Reloaded gamers ) would heavily engage with Tesla factory in real time to figured out how to produce their own vehicles, having plenty of fun during the process.
Tesla Reloaded delivered as well, developing a special strategy to focus in the M3 core first, which is the AI software in order to give to their clients the vehicle interface before the vehicle itself, providing them with the vehicle mind before the body.
The strategy was brilliant for the pioneering phase of Tesla, aka pre-Bolt era.
When we were expecting a bold and clever response from the Silicon Valley players, astonishingly a sleeping giant reacted and reacted very fast.
twelve months later and Hundred thousand EV units later, the Chevy Bolt is the silent rising star of the EV mass production market, steadely conquering skeptik clients not for the outlook but for the interior and real performance.
Lamarckian evolution is brutal, the asecendent spiral of evolution moves so fast there is not time to think and act, but to act while thinking.
Tesla is not longer in the Pioneering phase and is not feeling confortable, their hangover is expressed clearly in releasing new products, like a cool teenager who now is surrounded by adults not expecting cool things but to deliver to perform in the big leagues.
But Tesla Reloaded is not suffering any hangover and their main purpose is to send a wake up call to their bigger brothers and sisters.
In a post-Bolt Tesla hangover era, we invoked a clever and rapid response from our entire group: LumbradaX + Fractal Coding + Tesla Reloaded + Rover Uno + ColombuX + Solumgraf + ArrcoX
Since the amazing equation produced by the group as a result is hard to digest and difficult to explain, we choose to synthesize it for the moment:
Tesla Reloaded game is leveled up to a new civilization era, the post internal combustion engine era (PICEE), in doing so, California is now in the PICEE.
During the transition, the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV) lost future value and the Electric Vehicles (EV) gain future value.
To compensate the equation, a smart contract is created: the buyers of the current ICEV get a car insurance policy from Tesla ( and other underwritters) represented as a credit note which works as a down payment for their future EV while keep using their ICEV in the mean time. With the financial engineering being solved,is the momentum for the real engineering.
Tesla Reloaded gets bigger, now Califronia is pulling Tesla and the EV revolution behind it. No the other way arround.