Levitation Games
“Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.”
Somehow, we are levitating. Our planet orbits the sun perpetually and the sun is part of the galaxy which is moving very fast.
Since the invention of the airplane, made by the Wright brothers, the evolution of the air travel industry has been amazing. At any given time, there are thousands of airplanes flying around the earth and millions of passengers travel constantly for business.
Today we have the International Space Station orbiting the planet at four hundred kilometers above the surface and the commercial aerospace industry is taking off very fast.
There are several vertical takeoff and landing aircrafts (VTOL) operating right now and there are many under development. There is a serious research and development of electrical engines for small aircrafts going on right now, and it is expected that in ten years we could have available a medium range full electrical commercial aircraft.
Today we have places that are only possible to reach by air (beside the islands) and perhaps we will have plenty of places and towns in the future which will be connected only by air, due the strict environmental regulations.
So, we foresee a future with a daily air commuting in the entirely new LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified towns.
Because, among other things, those brand new LEED certified towns will have a quite bigger area than the traditional towns.
There will be a symphonic dance between the development of the new infrastructure and the development of the new flying machines, namely the dreamed flying car.
The new towns and the new flying cars will evolve together.
The commuting by air in the newly created LEED certified communities, will have the effect to expand the space for the residents by a factor of ten while reducing their commuting time.
The scale of the new town’s buildings will be huge as well, since the new requirements in height for the new flying devices.
I will give you a remarkable hint: the new towns will create the buoyance required for the new flying machines. How? Think about it!