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Eva + Adan

Eva + Adan


Dancing and moving simultaneously like if he were in a big hurry, Adan crossed the space very fast. When Adan got into the spotlight, he shined big time for a while. His trajectory could have had changed if the other one would have collision with him, but not.

Therefore Adan trajectory was inevitable once he saw the beautiful EVA, so unique so wonderful that Adan fall rapidly into her domains, drived by a very powerful attraction.

They met together, and for the first time, Adan experienced a very intense burning heat which attracted him to her even more. For a while, that burning in form of light while falling into her domains was magnificent.

Adan, the asteroid hit EVA the egg, EVA the planet, while releasing a huge amount of energy and while spreading the carrier DNA-A.

The life in the pregnant EVA planet grew up very fast.

As above, so below.


The Olympo base in Mars was thriving, the team of scientists living there were able not only to extract wáter from the red planet but to créate rocket fuel from it.

But commuting from Mars to Earth was no longer an option, therefore the decision was made in order to allow the procreation of the first humans in the red planet in order to commence a serious population plan.


Those proto-humans clans were closer to a military organization rather than to a society.

Annihilation between prosperous clans was a very popular business back then.

Then, she saw him for the first time ever, he was so different yet so similar.

He almost get killed while trying to steal the torch.The fire emitted by the torch, attracted him very much, like a moth. She saw how his eyes were sparking with an intensity bigger than the fire itself when watching the torch.

She, who manages the art to make fire, escaped with her friend in order to find him.

His plan was simple, but the stakes were very high, to attract him by making a nice, very pretty bonfire, up there in the mountains.

He was the only one, who understood the meaning of that abstract, but very direct call.

They met together at the warming bonfire, he showed up with his mother.

Turns out, he was looking to use the fire in a different way, other than as a weapon but as a healer and to cook.

So they made the deal of the history. She taught him the art of making fire and he taught her how to use the fire to heal and to cook.

Those two Young females, the mother and the healer sealed the most amazing pact of the history but they never knew they genes would become so succesfully in the future, even to reach another planet, the red planet.


Their ingenuity allowed them to colonize Mars. Their ingenuity allowed them to pretend to populate the red planet by using only the scientific domain axioms. They were so wrong and by being wrong they succeeded.

Despite all the efforts to engineer the best stellar homo sapiens (the new species of homo) with the incredible technology and power they had available, in order to successfully obtain offspring on the red planet, the first stellar homo sapiens (also known as the first Martian), was born in unexpected circumstances.


Both young females got pregnant very easily, almost simultaneously.

They had to become nomads once again, due to their new condition.

The healer who spent his time hunting and caring for his clan and future children, felt in paradise despite having lost it.

They invented humor in an unexpected way, because their profound differences in dialects, they got caught up in very hilarious situations, therefore they laughed a lot, every night it was possible to hear them laugh during bonfire time (also known as happy hour, which they also invented)

Their favorite pastime during the bonfire was guessing or making up the names of their future children. Because of their language differences, they came up with hilarious names, every night.

So, among the different names they invented, they figured out how to pick the winners by inventing the voting system (inventing democracy in their way, ahead of time).

Precisely, due their differences in dialect, they chose the winner names not by their meaning, but by their tone.

The winner names they selected, were Nada and Ave.


The decision makers took the decision to populate the red planet and create a new homo species on their path, for an unexpected but very powerful reason.

Fortune favors the bravest.

It turns out, against all odds, that the life expectancy of citizens living on Mars was greater than that of average citizens living on Earth, by a very significant proportion, for unknown reasons.

The fate of the red planet and the fate of the homo sapiens was established in a very solid foundation, by the resolution 1 Homo Sapiens Stellar 1.


The echo of their success spread very quickly among the universe known at the time.

The absolute power at that epoch, represented by the proto-emperor, decided to hunt them down.

So the proto-emperor himself captured the happy small clan.

Since the healer's brain was hardwired to never give up, he was sacrificed in front of his beloved women. He was burned during a magnificent bonfire.

Nadia and Ave, never knew his biological father, the healer. But were raised by the most powerful man of that time.

Divide et Impera.

The proto-emperor, the alpha warrior, not only separated both half-brothers and sisters, but changed their names by using the name´s backwards interpretation, Adan and Eva.

Adan and Eva, the children of the healer and raised by the alpha warrior, sealed the fate of the homo sapiens forever.


As a part of human nature, the red planet colony soon became very useful as a high profile prision, as well.

The first astronaut prisioner, prisioner 000 was sent to the Martian prision in order to fade in solicitude.

The apparent tragedy of prisioner 000, turned out to be one of the most amazing lucky strikes in the history of mankind.

The spaceship where prisionner 000 was traveling, transported another high profile citizens who were selected to acomplish a very top secret mission, so prisioner 000 never would have had meet the other travelers according with the master plan, but then there was an accident.

The impact changed the trajectory of their spaceship and they performed an emergency landing in a region too far away of the main base.

The accident made the impossible possible. Prisionner 000 met Ariana, the clone.

It is not possible to explain a fatal attraction, even less under almost a fatal circumstances.

But humans, does not matter in which epoch they belong to, have the tendency to celebrate life after a near death experience, by having sex, a lot of sex, specially when there is an amazing chemical attraction.

So the only two survivors of the tragic accident, spent their remmaining energy left after the accident, in having sex, a lot of sex, like if there were no tomorrow, just like that.

According with the master plan, Adriana should have meet several high profile prospectus, kind of princess of the XXII century, in order to commence a new homo species, but instead she got pregnant after having sex with the most wanted man in the solar system in that epoch.

The fate of the homo sapiens stellar was sealed forever.

Sioner was the name of the first homo sapiens stellar, who was born thorugh the death ashes of his father and the reborn of her young mother.


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