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The BIG ONE and the Smart Structures

Zero point five seconds later and Seven thousand megatons later the first compressional wave was detected by the acelerometers located at the smart barrier. Hundred times faster than a blinck of an eye, the alert was sent to the super computers network, in zero point two seconds the super computers made the decision to activate the electromagnetic field and to activate the protocol Ten for natural disasters.

For the first time in the humankind history, the citizens got the notification few seconds in advance about the BIG ONE coming.

Few seconds matter a lot to save millions of lifes. With the energy equivalent to a hundred thermonuclear bombs, the earthquake striked San Francisco very quickly and very powerful as predicted. The smart infrastructure reacted accordingly, very fast, very precise, saving millions of lifes and their patrimony. Some of the citizens didin´t even notice the surface of the earth shaking violently underneath them, because the smart infrastructure manage to counterbalance the powerful earthquake forces by activating a powerful electromagnetic field.

One minute later, thousands of drones were flying over the city to assest the situation in real time. Two minutes later the protocol eleven for fire protection was activated. Seven minutes later the electricity was restored in the city. Ten minutes later, the protocol twelve for aftershoks management was activated.

Of course there were hundreds of casualties and damages to the infrastructure, but the total devastation was avoided and the city gets the ticket to thrive on centuries to come while riding on the ring of fire.

Most impressive even, was the fact the super computers manage to capture ten percent of the energy released by the earthquake, wich was equivalent up to the sixty percent of the total energy used for the smart infrastructure system to counterbalance the seismic forces, executimg the same strategy that martial arts fighters does by using the energy released by the opponent against themselves.


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